# Privacy Policy Statement (GDPR) ## "Google Play" requires privacy clearance Google's rules for publishing apps in the "Google Play Store": - _"Apps that do not access any personal and sensitive user data must still submit a privacy policy."_ [EN](https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/9859455?hl=en ) ## What kind of personal data is processed? - User activity: Reading and action history from apps and websites. As well as technical information about the devices they use. Hereafter, the term user activity is used instead of personal data, because it describes the personal data that is processed. ### Purpose The purpose is twofold; - control of unwanted/illegal user activity and - find a basis for making the app better for users. ## About collecting user activity The information is collected by "Google" via Play Console and Search Console. - The developer does not collect any other information than that which is collected and stored by Google. - The developer has access to this information via Google, due to verified ownership of the domain where the PWA is deployed (see _#### The domain_ below). - The developer does not copy or store the user activity, which is found on Google', in other places. ## Legal liability The developer acknowledges responsibility for studying the user activity that Google makes available to the developers via: - [Google Search Console](https://search.google.com/search-console/about) ## Third party cookies We don't use cookies, but we are using a commenting addon from a third party, "Giscus". They are using cookies in the login autentication process (before commenting). ## Login As said above, login is required via third party, but only if you wish to write comments. You can read comments and everyting on the websites, without logging in. ## Claims and objections Complaints or objections about the developer's use of third parties services, or other complaints and objections, can be sent to the developer's email: - [Kyrie Eleison](mailto:jesu.broder@gmail.com) ## Complaint about processing of user activity In addition to complaining to the e-mail address mentioned in the previous section, you can complain to the Data Protection Authority (in Norway) if you believe that he is doing something wrong. - [Datatilsynet] (https://www.datatilsynet.no) #### The domain The app is connected to a pwa (via twa) which is deployed on a subdomain under Vercel with the following url: - [create-google-app.vercel.app](https://create-google-app.vercel.app) #### App name The app name on Google Play is: - "Create Google App" #### Open source code Source code for pwa that is the basis for building the app (with @bubblewrap) is open and public: - [GitHub](https://github.com/lovkyndig/create-google-app) #### GitHub An overview of the developer's open source programming is publicly available on the developer's account on GitHub: - [github.com/lovkyndig](https://github.com/lovkyndig). #### Google Play More information about this app can be found on Google Play by adding it to Google with the search terms "Google Play Create Google App". Direct link: - [Create Google App](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=app.vercel.create-google-app.twa). _Edited: 21.11.2023_